
Fingers at Work

Fingers at Work

Well, I’ve done it again! It’s not that I’ve been a slacker for a few days, or even a few weeks – it has been a few months of not writing as much as I should, or want, to write. Sometimes life gets in the way, but one can learn how to push life aside to get the things done that one needs and wants to do. And that sounds kind of like making excuses. I certainly don’t want anyone to think I’m making excuses.

We will soon be buying a new home, and I know that after we move it will be easier to focus more on writing. However, I know that I want and need to do things even when it isn’t easy. I feel best when I write at least 1,000 words, but preferably 2,000-3,000 words or more, each day.

It’s not only writing that has suffered. I have also been a slacker when it comes to exercise. So, I vow to quit slacking in both of these areas, and put myself on a schedule to get both exercise and writing more (on my current work in progress, my blog, and  articles for done.

There ! I feel better already.


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